I struggled this week.
I struggled with motivation and just being plain KIND to my family.
I battle Candida. My fun times last week visiting family also brought poor decisions on my behalf. I ate and drank things which triggered symptoms this week. Not happy! I've been short fused and low energy because of it. On Wednesday, I set lunch out on the table and sent myself directly to my room for a major time-out. I rested, prayed and read for nearly three hours. I think that may be my record. (haha) I felt refreshed, after unclogging the pipes of old sin and re-fueled of Christ's refreshing grace. I took time to pray for others who I don't normally pray for, family members and even blogging home school families which I've never met. The last two days have been better, although yesterday my husband had to scold me to get my eyes off myself. I'm getting back on track and things are looking up. God is good and I'm thankful for His ever abounding grace because I am blessed. Without HIM, how can I do this? This life, these children, this marriage. HOW?
So besides my meltdown on Wednesday, I think the week went better than I thought when I accessed the week, yesterday.
Here are a few moments from our week.
We visited our first corn maze!
This is the very first corn maze in our city. It felt so nice to experience this. It was actually one of the items on my TO DO LIST. You know that list? You all have one. Next on my list is a pumpkin patch.
I picked these beauties up at the Garden Centre where the corn maze was located.
My hand is there just to show the size of the veggies.
This picture is dedicated Mrs.Taffy, because I know how much she enjoys garden produce.
shhh, don't tell, but I have a tiny hidden desire to be a farmer's wife.
This shot includes honey also purchased.
The zucchini was mostly all shredded into 2 cup bags for the freezer and the rest eaten for dinner this evening. Eagle was very eager to work the food processor to shred the enormous beast of a zucchini. Good Home Ec. lesson!
I spent quite a bit of time with Alba this week. Not on focused activities to say we accomplished this or learned that, but just enjoyed each other and PLAYED.
Demonstrating with a sheet of paper towel how a non-vascular plant absorbs water.
Journaling our discovery from the moss in the yard. I failed to catch pictures of the boys intently studying the moss, the phone rang, I answered and the moment was gone. Oh well, next time.
And "Daisy"
Not ours btw, she's new to our little neighbourhood and seems to enjoy our place, a lot. Everyday this week she's been prancing over here for some attention from the kids.
Today was the first time Alba touched a cat, being "Daisy", on the tail, may I add. She was so excited to tell us all that she "pet... tail".
Books of the Week

Good Day Friend, Mo
Yes!! Fresh produce, such a blessing! You didn't even need to be near a farmer's market! I've been shredding zucchini in 2 cups portions today too!
ReplyDeleteSorry your week started out rough...some weeks are just like that! I love it that God uses our children (and our husbands) to refine us!
Blessings on a new week MO!
I think we all have melt downs and wonder what in the world we were thinking getting into this. :) We love our corn maize! I hope you guys will get to enjoy it many more times! I am still looking for a good pumpkin patch around here.