From what I know since becoming a Christian, Billy Graham is solid. I have yet to read a book of his, so I thought in choosing Billy Graham in Quotes
for review would be a step into grasping his thoughts and words upon God's word.
Upon receiving and gingerly reading through this book it exceeded my expectations. I expected a lower number of pages and thinner presence. The paperback binding is solid with a heavy weight cover. It seemed loaded with quotes but not too much that it's overwhelming for the average person. I appreciate the *Forward and *Introduction by Franklin and Billy Graham, where humble and thankful words are expressed. The chunks are light and the book is very practical for even an older child or teen to catch wisdom from. I appreciate the lay out, which makes sense. The writings are split into alphabetical topics, much like the concordance section in the back of some bibles. So for example, going to the table of *Contents; if I want to read what Billy Graham has said about Evangelism I could just flip to page 127 and read a piece of scripture related to and also Graham's quotes underneath. The very back of the book includes *Notes, in which each quote is sited or been taken from. In this section you also see the dates as well and the dates bare the span of Graham's ministry, which I value.
Scripture is to be dissected and eaten up like treasure. These quotes are small in words but big in truth. They challenge you to dig deeper into God's word and deeper into what you seek from God. Billy Graham has gone before me and more or less a teacher of sorts. I value the open nature of his heart, the encouraging sensitivity and sincerity to God's spirit in capturing the essence of God in his experience. He has gained wisdom and understanding from the Lord and through this book, I'm able to come back to it again and again in my times of reflection and study.
This book will make a great addition to the reference section of our book shelf in our home. We home school and my oldest who is currently eleven years old could soon be picking up this book. As it is helpful and again, easy to navigate for a handy reference if need be.
*This book was sent to me for the sole purpose of my personal opinion and I was not paid to review it.*
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