Thursday, May 14, 2009


For the last two mornings my son has finished his studies before 10:00 am. I hung the carrot over his head of the Wall E movie to watch in the evening if he got it done with no whining and using good time management. I was so impressed by his determination to get it all done.  He earned his movie reward. 
This morning before AWANA I asked him to get a head start on his studies instead of having to do it in the afternoon. He completed everything before we had to leave and I heard NO WHINING. I wondered how this glorious event could be real, because I had given him no indication of a reward. I think in his mind he was planning to play with another home school friend this afternoon and that was maybe his motivation for the superb work ethic. It was mentioned after AWANA that he would like to play with someone and we weren't able to do so. The sound of disappointment was a sign that he HAD planned to give himself his own motivational reward for a job well done, which would be playing with a friend. 

I hope through this he realizes how beneficial it is to get the job done at the right time, because I know he'd rather be playing instead of doing school in the afternoons. I'm hoping tomorrow turns out the same way the last two mornings have.   

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