Thursday, March 12, 2009

Some highlights of our learning time in FEBRUARY.

February was chock full of fun stuff. 
Now that I'm back on track (not sick) our home has been filled with days of fun. 

I decided to pick up some inexpensive tools and tool box from the dollar store for my boys. What a great idea. 
I had no idea how much they would love to pound nails into a block of wood. In the tool box we have 2 little hammers, nails, a little tape measure (which my tot just adores), a wrench and screwdriver.


I drew shapes with glue and Mr. Tot enjoyed putting his pasta on.

He made towers by stacking the pasta and then when it dried he painted over all of it.  

Here is the finished product.

As part of a lesson in our First Language Lessons book, my oldest focused on "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" story for some L.A. learning time. From that I thought it would be fun for him to put on a puppet show. I printed the characters off and he glued them to craft sticks and put on the puppet show for a couple friends and us, "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" was very entertaining.

This then got me thinking of making hand puppets from some scrap material I have. I pulled out the sewing machine and got started. 

My little helper did a great job at decorating.

The yellow and pink are my tots and the red bunny is my older sons puppet.
I used pipe cleaners to form the ears on the bunny, it's holding up well.

My boys really enjoy pretending with these puppets.
I'm so glad!


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