Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Time for some BALANCED living.

I just started a new bible study today with my ladies church group.

Beth Moore  Esther: It's Tough Being a Woman - DVD Leader Kit   - By: Beth Moore

I came across this article on the internet this evening about Avoiding Home School Burnout, while reading it I made a GOD connection between what I watched in the Esther DVD this morning and my home life. Esther had a destiny, and no matter how large or small we might ASSUME God has for us, we have one too. 

Destiny is found in the little things with my children. 
God sees and our children see our little things as mountains. 
(I'm going to cry)

Why did I begin home schooling? 

One of the reasons I believe God laid home schooling on my heart was to have better relationships with my children. 
Home schooling can hopefully help achieve that goal.

Reading the Burnout article triggered hearing the words CONTROL and BALANCE that I heard this morning. 
From the DVD session this morning, Beth Moore spoke of a survey taken - topic being - WHAT'S THE TOUGHEST PART ABOUT BEING A WOMAN? Many women who replied were said to agree that CONTROL and BALANCE topped their lists. I sat back and absorbed the video session, not even taking a moment to consider where I was in this survey of Beth's. 
Now I see, if I want BALANCE in our home then I need to let go and not try to CONTROL how God would like our home life to run. If I don't want my kids or me to burn out or have severe negativity to home schooling or towards each other than we need some BALANCE in our home. 

Now back to the article. 
You might ask when was I on the computer to find this wonderful article?
Answer: Later this evening in quiet reading time with the kids I stumbled upon the burnout article in search (as always) of better suited material for my son for next year. 
Reminder to all- my boys are sitting near me in their jammies with books in hand while I'm on the computer.

There's a problem when I avoid reading to my kids cozy on the couch just so I can search the internet for the next THING that will make our home schooling agenda better, which, by the way I've probably done countless times this week already. 

There's a problem when I CONTROL GOD right out of a potential intimate moment with my children because I'm utterly consumed with what I THINK seems best for my kids at the moment (my eyes glued to a screen), instead of what GOD THINKS, or even WHAT DO MY KIDS FEEL IS IMPORTANT.

What might help our relationships flourish are most likely moments like this in our home.

Do I want my some day grown up kids to be remembering all the time I wasted concerning myself on school type things or do I want them to remember all the treasured moments they had with their mother and each other.

So really, how can I achieve any sort of BALANCE when I IGNORE GOD'S VOICE and my CHILDREN'S VOICES in our home.

Today has been a good wake up call to how I've been running (CONTROLLING) the show around here.

Is reading a story cuddled up with my children a mole hill or a mountain?
A waste of my time or precious time well spent?

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