What a week.
My husband officially started his vacation, Wednesday. And so began renovations in the kitchen and living room on Wednesday also. Knowing this I had been busy getting things packed up for the days ahead. Monday and Tuesday were not days off of school, we pressed on despite the extra work that needed to be done. Wednesday and Thursday were filled with too much commotion to continue with our regular routine. The kids played outside for the majority of the day and much time was spent with Lego. By Thursday afternoon the kids were starting to get bored, ya know the look? I sure do.
My hubs handed Eagle a pair of pliers and screwdriver and set him to work on pulling staples from the old underlay beneath the laminate flooring which was ripped out that morning.
When Friday hit, the kids and I required something back. Something structured, some type of school thing back. I decided on a whim to call and attempt to book a study/meeting room at our library. I was unsure about it. If the rooms were strictly for adults, being in the adult area of the library, meaning no kids allowed really. It was possible, and I was pleased. We had the room from 10:30 - 1:30. I brought some basics like math, along with play-doh and crafty stuff. I can't believe I brought white glue and play-doh to the library, but I did. It was great and there was no mess afterwards. The kids did stupendous. I gave them each a happy face stamp on the backside of their hand and told them individually that they did a great job at keeping their voices down and plugging away at what I had packed for school. I was also able to get some work done. I spent about ten minutes on my bible study (ya, it was that quiet), I totalled up my spending budget for school and spent some one-on-one time with Alba. I loved giving her high fives when she correctly matched her bug counter to the right coloured square. The large corner room had big windows all along the wall and we sat there in the quiet, while the rain plunked down on the metal roof. It was a lovely time. While listening to the rain and watching the little ones easily able to concentrate I daydreamed about having our own little space to focus and learn with each other. We didn't check off even half the usual amount on our work schedule and I'm totally content with it, because we were able to just be. Be... without the phone ringing, the timer on the oven buzzing, the laundry dancing, the toys whispering "play with me", the glance at the fridge for that unneeded snack. No interruptions. Now because of the kitchen renovation we were given the opportunity to school where we normally wouldn't and until today never had. I hope to school at the library again, soon. It was a great experience. When leaving I asked the librarian of that section if there were any complaints or if she thought we were too loud. She responded back that there wasn't a problem and considering there were three children, 11, 5, and 2; she was amazed at our conscientious little family. What a nice compliment.
Alba playing in the shed, where she shouldn't.
Alba playing in a cabinet.
My husband convinced me this week to use this vacation time not just on home renovations, but to also spend time in Ontario and Quebec visiting family. The original plan for months was to take his holidays now for renovating the kitchen and my plan was to high tail it out of here with the kids for a week long road trip visiting with friends and family, while the hubs worked on the house. Plans changed and we're heading East. Apple Butter Cheese Festival here we come! We booked the last of the flights today. Crazy! In a week, we've decided to take the trip, buy the plane tickets and then flying out. Who says families can't be spontanious? We sure are this week. We're still schooling, I'm packing for an almost 2 week trip, all in the middle of home renovations. That's enough to drive to drive me bonkers, you?
God is GREAT!
I'm calm about all most of this.
Normally, I'd be a mess.
He's all over this, God is.
Cause I'm not a mess.
This was from that ten minutes in the study room that brought a smile to my face and a glimmer of God to my heart.
Psalm 27:4 (NIV)
One thing I ask from the LORD,
this only do I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD
all the days of my life,
to gaze on the beauty of the LORD
and to seek him in his temple.
This post was part of this weeks weekly wrap-up hosted by weirdunsocializedhomschoolers.com

Yeah that would make me bonkers too...but I love it when my husband says, "let's do something crazy!" Those are the times memories are made! Have fun!