Saturday, October 23, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up - Jelly Telly, Pumpkins & BooBoos

weekly wrap up

This week was filled with climbing and falling, splashing and diving, slipping and gliding, cutting and painting, smiling and out right throwing fits and singing Happy Birthday to a special little 5 year old boy. Was that a super long sentence or what?

It was Zazu's fifth birthday. We spent a quiet day together and enjoyed a nice trail walk, along with presents and food to celebrate the occasion.

As for actual learning sit down school stuff (you like that), Eagle met all his goals for the week, which is great. Next week I plan on doing a lapbook with Zazu, which is hopefully enjoyable for him. I must say, that having a toddler while home schooling is easier than being pregnant or having a wee babe on your hip.



If you do watch Jelly Telly, who's your favorite character?

Brother Louie
Can you guess who Eagle's is. Well it's a tie between Brother Louis and the pirate guy, Captain Pete.

We've watched the free weekly show for our devotional time in the morning. It's entertaining and the kids run to the computer when they here the theme song. 
We don't subscribe to it, but I have thought about it. 

Most mornings we (the kids) work on their scripture memory box. It's been a great tool to memorize scripture. It costs very little and just requires a little time to pull it all together at the beginning. Check it out.

The beginning of the week was spent on a fall craft with my younger two.
Pumpkin craft

Zazu making a pumpkin

Life Skills

Daddy and Eagle put up a bird feeder.
I've been wanting that done for a while.
We waited too long and now it looks like all the seasonal birds are gone.
Too bad.
All thats left are the graceful annoying raven and magpie.
Welcome to winter in northern Alberta. uuggg.

On to happier things...

look at that smile

I took the kids on a walk to the park with the intention of snapping some fall/school pictures. 
I got quite a few good shots. 

Zazu's big bobo

Our adventure ended with a big fall off the playground equipment. 
His chin didn't need stitches and is healing quite well. Have I mentioned that I have a new fondness for butterfly bandages. They worked really well for holding his sad looking chin together. Just a few days later and we were thankfully able to go swimming with just a band aid over his chin.

Right before the fall

With all the excitement this week I'm surprised that I'm not more frazzled. I have noticed since yesterday that I NEED more God today and more of my regular routine back. I just can't be out of the house more than twice a week for any long length of time. It's now saturday and I have so much laundry and cooking and just little things to do, like the soap dispensers in the bathrooms. You know when your shaking and pumping like mad to get a little suds out. Thursday night I tossed and turned from the business of the week. I'm a home body, what can I say. 

Books of the Week

This may offend, but the boys fav book of the week was this. haha, It's actually quite a smart book.

1 comment:

  1. Ouch to that booboo! And hope you do get some birds to your feeder soon. :)

    Thanks for participating the Weekly Wrap-Up!



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