Little girlies.
We visited Grandma & Grandpa and what fun did you and the brothers have.
Being held.
and held and smooched.
Watching you open up your presents was such a sight. I think I took close to 10 photos of just this. Oh look, and almost sitting up. By the next week at home, sitting on your own was a breeze.
I love cuddling you all up in your blankets for sleepy time.
Daddy caught you pulling down part of your activity gym to chew on.
Catching you sleeping.
So cute.
and looky, looky
(I know it isn't a word but that's ok)
look who's wearing a clip.
I love our time together.
Having tubs with you are so special (just the girls) and so relaxing for both of us.
I still breast feed and little miss is enjoying food here and there.
The noises that you make to get our attention is hilarious at times. You make us all crack up.
I've had to take a break from cloth diapering because you've developed eczema on your inner thighs. I need to continually lather you from head to toe with cream, for your eczema is almost everywhere but the worst is on your neck region. My prayer is that you'll out grow it by summer. We just have too keep you at a comfortable temperature (not too warm) and have you wear breathable cotton clothing as much as we can.
Other than the eczema you are doing wonderful.
My favorite thing right now are your little elvish ears.
They are so prominent in this picture.
I love nibbling on them.
You are so precious!
She is soooo sweet! I know that little ones are so much work, but they will grow so fast and the days will be gone of nursing and cuddling before you know it. I know I am missing those days.